Robin Pledge

Robin Pledge's Fundraiser

Help Student BRIDGE THE GAP! image

Help Student BRIDGE THE GAP!

Collage Dance makes world-class training accessible for all.

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$950 towards $1,000

I am so excited to be a student at Collage Dance Conservatory!

This year, I am taking ballet classes and a member of Collage Youth Ensemble. I can’t wait to have fun, improve my skills, and grow and share my love of dance. Any amount would help support Collage, Thank you!

I am trying to raise $1000 to support Collage this year. Can you help me reach my goal? I am really excited to earn prizes for my participation, and I will be sure to send you a note to say “thank you!”

You can read below about one of the things that makes Collage a truly special dance school. If you are as inspired as I am, please click above to make a donation!


Collage is passionate about providing exceptional dance education and creating a nurturing environment where our students can thrive. However, to sustain the high quality of our programs and ensure they remain accessible to every student, we need to address a significant funding gap.

While average tuition is just over $1,000 per year, the actual cost of providing our comprehensive training and resources exceeds $2,000 per student.

That’s a gap of nearly $1,000 for every student in the Conservatory!

Collage Dance has been absorbing that cost – and we will continue to do so – because we believe that in order to inspire the growth of ballet, the best training needs to be available and accessible to any student who wants it.

Collage Dance (EIN 20-5888512) is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization.
All gifts to Collage Dance are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.